Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Spirit of Harmony

Verse 1:
Decorating, buying for the festivities
Santa planning for many activities
Wonder what he brought me, gotta sneak a look
Feasting all day on food I didn’t have to cook
Rockin’ carols with birds, stuffing merrily
Love resides in the white Christmas frenzy

Chorus 1:
Judging cookies with Christmas cheer
The unity
The noise of shoppers craze here
Such cacophony
Music dances through my head, hear it
It’s melody
Child eyes are struck by the spirit
Of harmony

Verse 2:
Ripping out trees sledding together
Hill we built crying in snowy weather
Downstairs playing games, we’re all cutting loose
Upstairs party party, we’re making the news
Hours past the season it’s still going long
Love all around us, a new life to build on

Chorus 2:
Dancing, watching until lights appear
The unity
Toasting off glasses to the New Year
Such cacophony
Old folks tap as I play near it
Its melody
All the talks, stories to pass on the spirit
Of harmony
All the talks, stories to pass on the spirit
Of harmony

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