Thursday, April 15, 2010


Verse 1:
Walking down the street
It was just another rainy day
Umbrella in my hand
Storms don’t stand in my way
Don’t matter lightning or thunder
I just keeping moving by
People on their way to work
Didn’t pause even for a “Hi”
I was ordinary as the day
Passers didn’t think to look
But one girl in smiles stopped
An “I know you” was all it took

That is just a dream
I said, “Surely you don’t mean me”

Everyone thought how
But you can’t stop me now
I am well respected
I couldn’t imagine
My stardom came like magic
I am unprojected
In this world so unknown
I was able to hold my own
I am self sufficient
It’s just cause I’m unique
I dance to a different beat
I am unprecedented

Verse 2:
After that long day of work
I was ready for a nap
Went home to my couch
Stripes hopped into my lap
Thinking as the kitty purred
I couldn’t fall asleep
My mind was too occupied
So I turned on the TV
Indeed I had to blink twice
At the lady on the news
And the caption that read:
Zackie makes a breakthrough

That is just a dream
I said, “Surely you don’t mean me”

Everyone thought how
But you can’t stop me now
I am well respected
I couldn’t imagine
My stardom came like magic
I am unprojected
In this world so unknown
I was able to hold my own
I am self sufficient
It’s just cause I’m unique
I dance to a different beat
I am unprecedented

That is just a dream
I said, “Surely you don’t mean me”
She said, “I know it for a fact
Aren’t you Zackie R Mac”
That is when I knew I made it
I was famous

Ending Chorus:
No one could have thought
We said, “Oh please surely not”
I am unaffected
I never would have guessed
That I’d beat out all the rest
I am unexpected
No one could see me coming
Grabbed my dreams and started running
I am independent
No one ever dreamed
That my dreams would become believed
I am unprecedented

Fire cannot even burn my hands
I am unprecedented

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